May 24, 2012

The parent council would like to share the following:

We are doing a fundraiser next week for the Centre of Hope in Fort McMurray.  Here at St. Anne, we do fundraisers each year, but we thought it would be impactful to do one that would affect our community directly. The week of May 28th -31st, each classroom will be collecting Noodles and Oatmeal, as these are some of the items the Centre of Hope can truly use to help the community.

Please send in packages of instant oatmeal and/or packages of noodles (like Mr. Noodles) this week to feed some of our neighbors who need some help and support.

Thanks so much for your support.

St. Anne Parent Council

We are continuing to work on story writing in class.  For tonight's writing homework the students are bringing home a story that they wrote about two dogs in a boat.  I have attached the checklist on the left to your child's story.  It outlines all of the important parts of a beginner story.  Please go through your child's story with him/her and check for all the items on the checklist.

In Science today we talked about the sense of smell.  We made a list of stinky things; socks, hockey equipment, shoes, and of course the washroom.  We also made a list of things that smell good; flowers, shampoo, perfume, our mom, and brownies to name a few.

In Religion we read the scripture Luke 19:1-9.  This is the story of the tax collector Zaccheus who Jesus saved.  I found this cute little clip on youtube that sings about the story:

In Art today we learned about Pointillism. Specifically, we made Pointillism Sailboats.  A picture of their masterpieces will be up tomorrow.


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