May 17, 2012

In Religion today we read Matthew 28:19 -
               Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of  
               the Father, and of the  Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
We then talked about how this called the Holy Trinity and that when we pray we bless ourselves in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

In Language Arts we read the Robert Munsch story "Get out of Bed".  The book is based on the following letter Robert Munsch got from a fan:

Dear Mr. Munsch,
I am writing to you with regards to an idea for a future book. I am a mother of two great kids. Our son Michael is 10 and our daughter Amy will be 7 in November. Amy is not an easy kid to get out of bed in the morning. Most mornings I call her several times and a lot of times have to physically pick her up and stand her on her feet. As you can guess, this gets to be time consuming and annoying.
One morning I went in to get her out of bed. She had pulled the covers over her head and told me “I am not getting out of bed and I am too tired to go to school”. I asked her what she should do? Her dad and I had to go to work and Michael had to go to school.
She said that she wanted to go to school but she just didn’t want to get out of bed. Then I told her that maybe we could phone the school and see if we could take her bed into the Grade 2 classroom. That sure got her attention.
Well, the next morning, it was business as usual. Amy and I talked again about the bed going into the classroom. We both had a good laugh imagining the looks on everyone’s face and about how funny it would be if that happened.
What do you think of the idea?

The students loved the book and we created a decision tree as a class about what we would do if we knew Amy and she wouldn't get out of bed.

This afternoon Mrs. Easton was away but the kids did a fun activity where they got to write their name in Braille using barley.  If you have ever wondered what the Braille alphabet looks like here you go:

Have a great long weekend!


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