May 1, 2012

WOW, May already!  Time sure flies!

In Music we have started singing SPRING song.  Today we sand some fun bumblebee songs; Bringing Home my Baby Bumblebee and Bee Bee Bumblebee.  We also learned about the classic piece by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov; The Flight of the Bumblebee.  We watched a video of a woman playing it on the piano and it was great lesson in tempo.

In Language Arts today we finished writing some stories about some kids at the fair.  The kids wrote some great stories, but here is a great example (spelling, punctuation and all) of one of the stories:

The Floting Problem
One day Jason, Kaitlyn and Brinda went to the fair.  When they were there a clown gave the kids balloons.  Kaitlyn got to many balloons and she started to flot away.  Jason and Brind ran so fast to cech Kaitlyn.  Jason jumpep so hi that Jason cot Kaitlyn.  But Kaitlyn lost all her balloons so Jason gave Kaitlyn 1 balloon so the kids went home.  the End

As you can see all of the words are not spelled correctly and there is some punctuation missing but that doesn't mean it's not a great story.  The writer used inventive spelling and homonyms to help with words he did not know.  His story also follows a basic story framework.  That is, it was a title, characters, a setting, a problem, a solution and an ending.   

I love reading student stories as I am sure you do at home.  Keep up the good work 1E!

Have a great night!


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