March 26, 2013

For No Excuse Words today we did Cloze Sentences:

In Social Studies we learned about the history of maple syrup:

We then watched this youtube video about a family's maple syrup tradition:

For LA today we learned about contractions:

Click here for an online game you can play to review.

In Math today we learned all about tangrams.  I told the kids the following fairy tale:

Once upon a time, there was an Emperor celebrating his birthday.  All the people of the land made him beautiful gifts and lined up to present them to him.  One person, the tile maker, made the most beautiful square tile for the Emperor.  He measured the tile very carefully to measure that all of the sides were the same length, polished it’s flat surface until it shone, and then carried it to the Emperor.  As the tile maker approached the mighty ruler he became very nervous.  His hands shook and his knees knocked together in fear.  When the tile maker took a step forward, his knees gave out from underneath him.  He stumbled and fell, and the tile – the beautiful tile – fell to the ground, breaking into 7 pieces.  Since that day people have been trying to put the tile back together again into its original square.  It is such a tricky puzzle that they even came up with a name for it – A Tangram.

We then got our own tangram pieces and tried to put the tangram back together:

It was a lot harder then we thought!!!  Here is a video of Mrs.Easton putting it back together:

Have a great night!!!


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