May 1, 2013

Wow, it'sMay.  May is known as the month of Mary.  We will be starting each day with the Hail Mary:

Today we started another story.  The picture prompt for this story is below.  We are working really hard at including lots of details in our story.  Hopefully, we will finish them up tomorrow.

In Math today,  we continued to work hard on using various strategies to complete addition and subtraction problems.  You can do this at home too.  Here are some suggestions:

  1. When you are at the grocery store ask your child how many pieces of fruit you bought.  Get them to tell you the addition sentence and explain to you how they came up with the answer.
  2. When you are eating dinner have your child count how many pieces of a vegetable they have.  Get them to eat some and then tell you the subtraction sentence.  Have them explain their thinking.
  3. When you are driving have your child count how many trucks they see between 2 sets of lights and you count the cars.  Have them tell you an addition sentence and explain their thinking.
These are just a couple of ideas, but it shows you how math can be practiced anywhere and without paper or pencil.

Lastly, in celebration of Arbor Day, Alberta Environment provides Grade One students across Alberta with a tree seedling to take home and plant.  I received one when I was grade one many years ago and it still stands in the Forest behind the house I grew up in.

Have a great night!!!!


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