May 31, 2013

Today we read the story "It's My Room" by Robert Munsch.  Robert Munsch wrote this story for a little boy from Newfoundland who had moved to Fort McMurray.  He had his own room, but his relatives kept coming to stay with him, and he was getting tired of sharing.  Here is the story map we did as a reader response:

In science today we planted our own lima bean seeds.  If you want to plant them at home here are the directions:

We then talked about what would happen when it began to grow:

Have a great weekend!

May 30, 2013

Just a reminder that there is school tomorrow.

Check us all out wearing green for Green Day for the Amazing Waste Race:

For No Excuse Words today we did cloze words:

In Health today we talked about the different sports or activities you could play to help you exercise and stay fit.  Here are a couple we came up with:
  1. baseball
  2. skipping
  3. tennis
  4. soccer
  5. basketball
  6. football
  7. leap frog
In Art today we learnt about the artist Georgia O'Keefe.  Georgia O'Keefe is famous for making beautiful paintings of close ups of flowers. Here is an example of her work:

Here are some pictures of the kids creating their own beautiful paintings:

In Science today we went on a walk around the school yard to look for living and non living things. Here are some pics:

Have a great night!

May 29, 2013

Tomorrow is green day for our Amazing Waste Race Challenge so send your child to school in Green.  To check out the Amazing Race Waste Website click here.

For No Excuse Words today we completed the word finds our friends created yesterday.

For LA we read the Robert Munsch Story Pigs.  You can read the story on TumbleBooks which you can access through the Fort McMurray Public Library Website.  As a reader response we broke the story into the beginning middle and the end.  Here is the beginning we did as a class.

For Computers today we went on PBS kids and played some games about taking care of the Earth.  Check it out by clicking here.

In Math today we continued to discuss addition and subtraction word problems.  Her is a screen recording of us working on the promethean board (don't mind the time delay):

Have a great night!

May 28, 2013

Check out the following video about a website I found called We Give Books.

To join the site click here

For No Excuse Words we created our own word finds:

For Word Work we worked with the digraphs ph and gh:

In Science we talked about what you need to do to grow plants.  Click here to go to the website we visited.  We then planted our own plants, based on the following chart, and we will watch them over the next couple of weeks to see how they do.

In LA today we read the story Across Canada.  In the story we learnt about kids who live across Canada and some of the fun things you can do in their province and town.  We then talked about our own community of Fort McMurray and what you could do if your friend visited here:

In Math we practiced Word Problems.  Check out these ones you can try at home:

Have a great night!

May 27, 2013

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

This week's no excuse words are:

We started our morning with a Pentecostal Liturgy presented by 3W.  Here is the closing song from the Liturgy.

In Language Arts today the students wrote a story using the following picture prompt:

Here is one of the stories:

In Science today we began our final unit; Plants and Animals.  Here are the learning objectives for this unit:

We went on the following website to begin our learning:

Have a great night!!!

May 24, 2013

Tonight is the Family Dance from 6:30-8:30.  Check out all the great Raffle Baskets:

In Religion today we talked about the Rosary and how it is one of the ways we pray the Hail Mary.

In Science we finished up the Senses unit with the movie the Magic School Bus Makes a Stink and did a fun Senses Word Find.  You can watch the movie below.

Finally, this afternoon was the Volunteer Tea.  The students performed the song "One Seed" with the rest of the grade ones.  Here is an audio recording of their performance:

Have a great weekend and I hope to see you at the Family Dance tonight!!!!

May 23, 2013

Today we worked on our voiceless th digraph and the voiced th digraph.

In art we learned about symmetry.  Symmetry is when something is the same on both sides.  We made symmetrical butterflies.  Check out the one Mrs. Easton made below:

In Science we talked about the sense of taste.  We learned all about all the parts of the tongue.

Have a great night!

May 22, 2013

For No Excuse Words today the kids solved their friends word finds that they created yesterday.

In Language Arts we read chapters 5 and 6 from Stuart Little.  Stuart was still missing from last week and his family thought he was in the mouse hole.  Fearing for the worst, George decided to close all the blinds to darken the house to show respect and when he pulled the living room blind, out popped Stuart.  Afterwards, Stuart decided to head out for a walk.  As we walked the streets of New York he was on the lookout for scary dogs.  He then got on the bus and it cost 1 dime.  He took the bus to Central Park to see the boat pond.  When he got there he got a job on sailboat named the Wasp.

In computers we worked on recycling and environmental websites.  You can check them out on our class website.

In Math we worked on the concept of Part-Part-Whole and how we can use our knowledge to solve addition and subtraction problems.  This is the cheat sheet we created:

Have a great night!

May 21, 2013

I hope everyone had a great long weekend.

For No Excuse Words today we made our own word finds.  Here is the one we made as a class:

For Word Work we began learning about digraphs.  Digraphs are two letters combine to form a completely new sound.  Todays digraphs were ch and sh.

In Language Arts we read the story Angela's Airplane by Robert Munsch:

As a reader response the students were given the following prompt:  If I could fly an airplane I would fly to...  When writing they had to include where they would go, why they would go there and 2 things they would do once they got there.  They definitely had some fun destinations in mind!

After lunch today, our Apple School Coordinator Mrs. Zielke came in to make healthy snacks with the kids.  Check out the pics below:

Also, here is the recipe the kids used to make their snack:

In Math we continued with addition and subtraction review with mixed up addition and subtraction questions.  Kids often forget to check the symbol when they are doing math problems, which leads to errors.  When working with your child at home, always have them read the problem aloud before doing it, to ensure they are doing the right kind of operation.  Here is a website where you can practice mixed up addition and subtraction at home.

Have a great night!!!

May 16, 2013

Did you know we do DPA (Daily Physical Activity) every day.  One of the favourite things that the kids do is Just Dance kids.  Here is a video of them working up a sweat:

For No Excuse Words we did cloze words:

For Word Work we came up with tr and tw words:

In LA today we continued with the our Stuart Little novel study.  Here are the questions we answered after reading.  See if your child can answer them and then talk about what has happened so far in the book.
  1. What did Stuart do every morning?
  2. Why did Stuart have to climb to wash up?
  3. What kind of muscles did Stuart want to prove to Snowbell he had?
  4. What did Stuart get stuck in?
In Art today we learned about Pointillism.

We then made our own Pointillism sailboats:

In Science, we learned about what it means to be deaf.  We found out that one of the ways deaf people communicate is through sign language.  Using the chart below we learned all of the letters of the sign alphabet and how to sign our names:

Have a great weekend!!!!

May 15, 2013

We had no library today as Provincial Achievement Tests were being written in the library.

For No Excuse Words today they students got to solve the crossword puzzles their friends made yesterday.  They loved it!

We read the story Get Out Of Bed by Robert Munsch in LA.  To listen to it online click on the image:

We then did a Decision Tree as a reader Response.  The blue part we did together as a class at the red and purple part we did on our own:

In Math we continued with review.  Click here for instructions for some fun games you can play at home to practice.

Finally, this afternoon we had a special guest.  A Speech Therapist came in and worked with the class on body language.  We learned that body language is when we use our body to communicate instead of words.  We talked about facial expressions, posture, eye contact and personal space.

Have a great night!!!

May 14, 2013

For No Excuse Words today we made our own word finds with this weeks words.  Here is the one we made as a class example:

For Word Work we came up with sw and thr words:

In Science we talked about how sounds can be loud and unsafe or soft and safe.  We listened to lots of different sounds on the website  We then organised different sounds in our science book from loudest to quietest:

In Language Arts we read the story Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt on Tumblebooks.  We then summarised the story into a fun story summary organiser:

In Math we started working on adding and subtraction to 20 review.  We are going to be playing various games and doing some practice pages over the next 2 weeks to really solidify our skills.  You can practice at home too by using playing cards, dice, dominoes, counters etc to add and subtract.  There are also many websites which allow students to practice by plating games. 

Have a great night!!!

May 13, 2013

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday.

For No Excuse Words this week we will be reviewing words 1 -15.

For Religion we learned about the story of David the Victorious.  Here is the video we watched:

In science we began learning about the sense of hearing.  We did an experiment called "Shake and Tell".  In this experiment the kids were given 5 different film canisters to shake and guess their contents.  The choices they had were:
  • a cotton ball
  • popcorn kernels
  • salt
  • flour
  • pennies
  • pasta
  • counters
  • rocks
Here are the results and some pictures:

Have a great night!!!