Jan 29, 2013

For Word Word Work today we created lists of ight and ace words.

In Science we talked about dying fabric.  Last night, Mrs Easton and her daughter Emmi, cut up an old white t-shirt and used some food items from around the kitchen to dye it.

Here are the results:

In Language Arts today we read the story "There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow".  After reading the story we worked together to retell the story in order (sequencing).  We then made our own Cold Ladies with all the parts of the story in her belly.  Not all of the student's finished making their cold ladies, so they can finish it at home over the next couple of days and then retell the story to you using their Cold Lady.  Here is an example of a finished Cold Lady:

In Math we talked about how we tell the difference between an addition and a subtraction problem.  When we read addition problem we look for words like more, joined, came, etc... and when we read a subtraction problem we look for words like left, away, gone, etc....  Here are two of the many examples we did as a class:

Finally, as a way to finish up the month of January we are having a school spirit day on Thursday.  You can choose to wear Jammies, a Jersey or Jeans or all three!  Notice they all start with J - just like January :)

Have a great night!!!


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