Jan 29, 2013

For Word Word Work today we created lists of ight and ace words.

In Science we talked about dying fabric.  Last night, Mrs Easton and her daughter Emmi, cut up an old white t-shirt and used some food items from around the kitchen to dye it.

Here are the results:

In Language Arts today we read the story "There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow".  After reading the story we worked together to retell the story in order (sequencing).  We then made our own Cold Ladies with all the parts of the story in her belly.  Not all of the student's finished making their cold ladies, so they can finish it at home over the next couple of days and then retell the story to you using their Cold Lady.  Here is an example of a finished Cold Lady:

In Math we talked about how we tell the difference between an addition and a subtraction problem.  When we read addition problem we look for words like more, joined, came, etc... and when we read a subtraction problem we look for words like left, away, gone, etc....  Here are two of the many examples we did as a class:

Finally, as a way to finish up the month of January we are having a school spirit day on Thursday.  You can choose to wear Jammies, a Jersey or Jeans or all three!  Notice they all start with J - just like January :)

Have a great night!!!

Jan 28, 2013

To practice this weeks No Excuse Words we put them in alphabetical order.  We did it on the promethean board, with cards, in our books and on the iPad.

In Religion we talked about how we our each special to God and that he knows us by name.  We read the following verse:

In Math today we started some addition and subtraction review.  Today we talked about how addition is when we make more and subtraction is when we make less.  As a fun way to get started in our review we watched the Leapfrog Movie "Math Circus".

In Science we experimented with different materials to see which ones paint adheres to best.  Here are our results:

Have a great night!

Jan 25, 2013

For Word Work today we created lists of ope and ore words:

In Language Arts we read the story Boots by Susan Green.  After reading the story we broke it into parts using a story organiser:

It was then time for our good behaviour popcorn and movie day.  The kids were loving life:

In science we continued to talk about the words transparent and opaque.  Transparent means see through and opaque means not see through.  We made a list of things that were either transparent or opaque:

Then some of the students posed with the objects do demonstrate if they were transparent or opaque.

Have  a great weekend!!!

Jan 24, 2013

Just a reminder that there is school tomorrow.  For homework tonight please to the website Penguins on Ice (Make a Sentence).

For No Excuse Words practice today we did spelling staircases on our mats, the iPad and the Promethean Board.

In LA today we read the Nursery Rhyme Jack and Jill.  Here is a little youtube clip:

We then filled in the missing vowels in the Nursery Rhyme.

In health today we talked about the Grain Group.  We learned that you should have between 5-12 servings on grains every day.  We also learned how grain is milled into flour when we watched the video below:

In Art we did a primary and secondary colour blocking activity.  Here are the kids hard at work and an example of the finished product:

In science we continued to talk about thick and thin paint.  We painted an ocean with thick paint and thin paint.  We made thin paint by mixing the thick paint with water.  We found out:

We learned two new words; opaque and transparent.  The thick paint is opaque and the thin pain is transparent.  We are going to learn more about this tomorrow.

Have a great night!

Jan 23, 2013

The students have earned a popcorn and movie on Friday as a reward for good behaviour.  Today they got to vote on which movie they wanted to watch:

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted, was the overwhelming winner!

For No Excuse Words today we did Rainbow Spelling.  This is where the students write each word with 5 different colours.  They did it on paper, iPads and the Promethean Board.

In LA we created a Wordle with nouns.  Nouns are people, places and things.  I was really impressed with some of the creative nouns the kids came up with.

Here is an example of some great sentences made by one of the students:

In Math today we finished up our Measurement unit by reviewing what we learned:
  • Length - Longer and Shorter
  • Height - Taller and Shorter
  • Width - Wider and Thinner
  • Surface Area - Greater and Lesser
  • Weight - Heavier and Lighter
  • Capacity - More and Less
Have a great night!

Jan 22, 2013

For No Excuse WOrds today we did a fun spelling scramble.  This is where the kids use large letter cards to spell words on the floor.

For Word Work we created lists of eep and eal words.

In Science we talked about what would happen when we add water to paint.  We found out that...

In LA today we made a list of Action Words in Wordle:

Then we made sentences like:

In Math we continued talking about weight.  Today we got to use the balance scales to compare the weights of different objects.  Check us out hard at work and the results:

Have a great night!

Jan 21, 2013

We started our day reviewing this weeks No Excuse Words by putting them in alphabetical order:

We then made the following words for Word Work:

In Religion today we learned about the story of Creation, Genesis 1:1-31 and Genesis 2:1-3.

In Math, we began learning about weight and how to measure it using balance scales.  Here is a fun little Peep and the Great Big World movie that we watched to learn more:

We also played the following game online:

In Science we talked about what happens when we add white to a colour.  We predicted that the colour would get lighter.  We did an experiment and proved that we were right:

Then we predicted that if we added black to a colour the colour would get darker.  After our experiment we realised that our prediction was wrong.  The colour actually turns gray.
We realised that, that is why we do experiments.  To prove if what we think will happen is true or false.

Have a great night!

Jan 17, 2013

We have been learning the Lord's prayer in class this month. Jesus taught his disciples the Lord's prayer when they asked "Lord teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." -Luke 11:1-4

For No Excuse Words today we did Spelling Pictures.  The students traced a picture using the words of the week:

For Word Work we made lists of ear and eed words.

In our Nursery Rhyme unit today we worked with Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  We read the rhyme and watched this video.  

After we talked about similes   This is when you compare 2 things using the word like.  For example; A star is like a diamond.  Here are some of the similes the kids came up with:
  1. Snow is like a cotton ball.
  2. A triangle is like a roof.
  3. A tv is like a promethean board.
  4. An iPad is like a computer.
In health we talked about fruits and vegetables.  We looked at the Canada Food Guide and found out that we need to eat 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

In art we used modeling clay to make our own colour wheels.  Check them out:

Have a great weekend!

Jan 15, 2013

For spelling today we did a code breaker activity.  Using the key on their desk the kids broke the code.

For word work today we made the following words:

In language arts we used the lists of colour and describing words we made yesterday to make interesting animal sentences.  Here are a couple that we made:
  1. A stinky pink pig.
  2. A little brown owl.
  3. A short green snake.
  4. A big yellow camel.
  5. A slow green turtle.
In Math we taked about capacity.  Capacity is the amount something can hold.  We compared the capacity of different containers by filling them up with dried pasta.  We found out that it can be tricky to figure out which container has a larger capacity when they are similar sizes but different shapes.  For example look at the picture below:

Most of the students thought that the baby food container would hold more noodles. But, after measuring, we found out that the plastic container actually had a larger capacity. Finally, we watched this fun little movie as a way to review:

Have a great night!