June 22, 2012

Today we talked about the Olympics.  This summer the Olympics will be held in London from July 27 to August 12, 2012.  The mascots are pretty cool, their names are Wenlock and Mandeville.

We also watched the following video which gives a glimpse of the Olympics through the years.

On Tuesday morning we will be having our own Summer Olympics here at St. Anne.  The opening ceremonies is in the gym at 8:30 and then we head outside for lots of great activities.  This year, our class will be representing the country of Greece.  We are going to make a flag to carry at the opening ceremonies as well as stickers to wear on our shirts.  It should be super exciting!

In our Plants and Animals unit we learnt about animal classifications.  There are 6 groups:

  1. INSECTS: Butterflies, Ants, Ladybugs, Caterpillars, Mosquitoes, Flies, etc.....
  2. REPTILES: Dinosaur, Turtles, Tortoises, Lizards, Alligators, Crocodiles, etc...
  3. AMPHIBIANS: Frog, Toads, Snakes, etc...
  4. FISH: Sharks, Perch, Clownfish, Goldfish, Swordfish, etc...
  5. BIRDS: Ostrich, Eagle, Raven, Flamingo, Robin, Budgie, Blue Jay, etc....
  6. MAMMALS: Bears, Humans, Dolphins, Whales, Monkeys, Apes, Gorillas, etc....
This afternoon we had our year end Liturgy with Father Jose.  Father Jose talked about change.  He compared us to seeds that slowly grow into trees.  We also said goodbye to our grade 6 students as well as blessed our retiring teachers Ms. Zalik, Mr. Collins and Mrs. Flynn.

We ended the afternoon with our Building Things unit.  As you can see below we made sailboats.  The kids are bringing them home tonight to test out in the tub.

Have a great weekend!


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