June 11, 2012

This week in music we are watching one of my favourite musicals, Mary Poppins.  Did you know that Mary Poppins was made in 1964, making it 48 years old and that it is based on the book of the same name by P. L. Travers?

In L.A. today we read the story Wait and See by Robert Munsch.   The story is about a little girl who likes to make wishes when she blows out the candles on her birthday cake.  She wished for some crazy things; snow in the summer, rain to melt the snow, lots of sunshine to push away the rain clouds, money, money and more money and finally 3 new babies.

We then made lists of things we would wish for on our own birthday.  The kids had some pretty great ideas.  Here are a couple they wrote about:

  1. I would wish for the master bedroom.
  2. I would wish for a bouncy castle.
  3. I would wish for a backyard pool.
  4. I would wish for a puppy.
In science today we looked at the plants we planted a couple of weeks ago to see how they were doing.  This is what we found out:

We then checked out the BBC's Growing Plants game. 
We also checked in our lima bean plants.  Some of them sprouted up over the weekend and we are pretty excited.

For centres over the next couple of weeks we will be doing our Building Things unit.  Today we kicked off the unit by watching The Magic School Bus: Under Construction.  We then used various objects in our class (lego, dominoes, blocks, logs) to practice building things.

Have a great night!


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