Feb 11, 2013

We started our day today with a prayer:

For No Excuse Words practice today we put this week's words in alphabetical order:

In Math today, we started the numbers to 100 unit.  In this unit, your child will be exploring some important mathematical concepts about numbers to 100.
The learning goals for this unit are:
  • Read and record numbers to 100.
  • Count sets in different ways.
  • Group by 2s, 5s and 10s.
  • Count large collections of objects (up to 100).
  • Skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s.

In order to help your child reach these learning goals try some of the following learning activities at home:
  • Show your child a page between 20 and 50 in a book.  Have them count on from that number or count backwards from the number.  Now try a page between 50 and 100.
  • Gather up 50 objects.  Have your child group them in different ways (groups of 1, 2, 5 or 10).  Have them count or skip count to 50.  Try again with 100 objects.
  • Collect egg cartons and cut the last section off of each carton so that you have 10 “containers” per carton.  Collect small objects and use the egg cartons to practise counting (e.g. 3 cartons full and 2 left over: 10, 20, 30, 31, 32.)
  • Select a number between 20 and 100.  Ask your child to draw the same number of objects.  Help your child circle groups of 10.  Ask “How many groups of ten?  How many are left over?”.  Try with groups of 5 or groups of 2.
Today we began by working together to create a 50 chart:

In Social Studies today we read the book Then and Now by R. Thompson.  We talked about how the word then means the past.  We then came up with some great "Now and Then" sentences.
  1. Then I was in kindergarten.  Now I am in grade 1.
  2. Then I was a baby.  Now I am a big kid.
  3. Then I drove a Jeep.  Now I drive a quad.
Have a great night!


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