Jan 31, 2012

Tomorrow will be dress like a rockstar day.

This month's newsletter went home today and you can also find it by clicking on the link below.

For No Excuse Words today we did some code breaking.  Check it out:

For word work we did Sorting.  This is where the class works together to generate a list of words with specific long vowel families.  Today we worked on ight and ace.

Today the students got a chance to talk about the special objects they brought in.  They then made webs describing their objects.  Here is an example of a web done by a student about her blankie:

In math we continued to focus on measurement.  The kids used different non standard units of measurement to measure distance and surface area.  They worked really well together and were great problem solvers.

Have a great night!

Dec 30, 2012

Tomorrow we will continue with theme days  for Support Staff Appreciation week by wearing red, white and blue.

We started working with this week's No Excuse Words.  Our job today was to put them in alphabetical order.

In Language Arts we focussed on the Nursery Rhyme "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."  After reading and singing the rhyme together as a class the students worked on filling in the missing words of their copy of the rhyme.

This afternoon we were really privileged to have some Aboriginal Dancers and Storytellers come in to speak and perform fo us.  Two of the students were even pulled up on stage to learn a few steps.

You can also watch an example of the Men's Fancy Dance below.

Jan 26, 2012

Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow.

We finished up our I know a Cold Lady activities today.  The students worked really hard at sequencing the story and rewriting it with the help of some cloze sentences.

For No Excuse Words we did spelling pictures.  This is when the students use the words to trace the picture.  Check them out below.

Later in the morning we headed to the gym to enjoy the Liturgy "Fishers of Men" presented by the grade 2's.  Here are 2 fun activities you can do at home.

For art today we worked on a primary and secondary colour blocking activity.  Look at the kids hard at work below:

And here is the final product:

Have a great weekend!

Jan 25, 2012

Sorry for no post yesterday but I was home with a crazy migrane.

In Gym right now the students are doing the dance unit.  They are learning a bunch of fun dances and I am hoping to go in sometime next week to take a video of them hard at work, so stay tuned.

For a No Excuse Word activity today we did cloze sentences.  This is when you fill in a missing word from a sentence.  Check them out below.

We then went on to do word work.  This is where we use our knowledge of letter sounds and vowel rules to create words.  Today we did Making Words.  This is where students use letter cards and wooden bars to spell words in a story.  Look at the kids hard at work below.

This afternoon we had another Zumba session in the gym.  Here is a fun Zumba routine to do at home.

Jan 23, 2012

We started our new list of No Excuse Words this week.  Today as our activity we put last week's words as well as this week's words (below) into our dictionary.  This week's test will be on Thursday as there is no school on Friday.

  1. a
  2. to
  3. in
  4. one
  5. blue
In Language Arts today we read the story "There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow".  After reading the story we worked together to retell the story in order (sequencing).  We then made our own Cold Ladies with all the parts of the story in her belly.  Not all of the student's finished making their cold ladies, so they can finish it at home over the next couple of days and then retell the story to you using their Cold Lady.  Here is an example of a finished Cold Lady.

in Science today we did a fun experiment where we found out about all the colours that work together to make black.
The materials we used were:
  1. Water
  2. Filter Paper
  3. Black Marker
The procedure was:
  1. Put a big black dot on the filter paper with the marker.
  2. Put a drop of water on the black dot.
Check out what happened below:

We continued with measuring in Math today.  We focused on the concepts of longer and shorter.  We even got to use some Play-Doh to make "measuring snakes".  We made snakes that were longer, shorter and the same length as the pencil.  Cleo made the ones below so you could check them out.

Have a great night!

P.S. There is an exciting note to check out in the Kanga Pouches tonight :)

Jan 20, 2012

In Science today we experimented with how paint adheres to different materials.  We tested the following materials; metal (tinfoil), cardboard, wax paper, wood, plastic and paper.  We found out that:
Paint Adhered Well to:

  • cardboard
  • wood
  • paper
Paint Did Not Adhere Well to:

  • Metal
  • Wax Paper
  • Plastic
The students also wrote their first No Excuse Word Spelling test today.  They did really well and we are looking froward to working with new words next week.

This afternoon there was a whole school DPA (daily physical activity) activity.  We rotated through different classrooms throughout the school and got to do the following activities:
  1. Desk Relay 
  2. Dice Game 
  3. Chicken Juggling 
  4. Spell your name with your body 
  5. Tennis Ball Game 
  6. Scarf Game
  7. Paper Skiing 
  8. Desk Olympics 
  9. Wiffle Ball 
  10.  Cup Game 
  11.  Sponge Game 
  12.  Yoga stretching 
  13.  Pencil Toss 
  14.  Get Groovin 
  15. Bean bag bowling 
  16.  Elastic Jump Ropes 
  17. Feathers Bin 
  18.  Stretch bands 
Have a great weekend!

Jan 19, 2012

First off, just a reminder that there is school tomorrow.  Also, for writing homework tonight please go on the website Penguins on Ice.

We started the day with Science.  We learned that:

  1. An opaque object is something you can't see through. 
  2. A transparent object is something you can see through.
We looked around the classroom and made a list of opaque and transparent objects.
For No Excuse Words today we did spelling staircases.  This is where students write the words in a grid format.  Here are some examples of the student's hard at work:
                                     Promethean Board                                        iPad

Laminated Grid

In Language Arts today we worked on the Nursery Rhyme Jack and Jill.  The students worked hard at filling in the missing vowels on the Rhyme below:

Finally, for art today we created colour collages from magazine pictures.  

Jan 18, 2012

For No Excuse Words today we acted as detectives and broke some codes.  Look below to see the code and then practice breaking the code words.

In Math today we started the Measurement Unit.  The learning objectives for this unit are:

  1. Make comparisons between objects (longer, taller)
  2. Order lengths of objects (shortest to tallest)
  3. Compare the areas of objects by covering them with different materials.
  4. Practice the language of measurement using words such as longer/shorter, as tall as, more/less, heavier/lighter.
  5. Compare the capacities of containers by filling them with water and other materials.
  6. Compare the masses of objects using scales and balances.

Here are some activities you can do at home.

  1. Ask your child to compare different lengths at home and then make comparison statements.
  2. Collect various small objects and have your child order them by length or height.
  3. Cut a piece of string.  Have your child measure curved objects to see which is the longest.
  4. Have your child use books to cover the kitchen table and then the coffee table.  Discuss which one has the greater area.
  5. Gather different containers from the kitchen.  Have your child use counters to (pieces of cereal, beans, etc…) to compare the different volume of the containers.
  6. At a sink, have your child pour water from one container to another to find two containers that contain approximately the same amount of water.
  7. Collect different objects.  Have your child act as a balance scale, by holding one object in each hand and then deciding which is heavier.
  8. Make a balance scale by attaching plastic bags to either side of a coat hanger.  Place an object in each bag and see which one is heavier.
This afternoon we also had a special guest; Zumba Liz.  We all gathered in the gym and did some fun Zumba routines as a division one group.  The students love Zumba and we often do at school on indoor recess days to burn off some steam.  Check out the video of our favourite Zumba routine below.

Have a great night!

Jan 17, 2012

We continued working on our No Excuse Words today.  We practiced by doing rainbow printing.  This is when you write the word five times in different colours.  Check out some examples of the kids doing it in class.
In a book.                  On the Promethean Board.              On the iPad
In Language Arts today we continued working on some interesting sentences.  We realised that every sentence needs to have a noun; a person, place or thing. So, we created a list of nouns:

Then using what we have learned so far we wrote four different sentences.  Check out an example of a student's work below:

In Math today we wrote our addition and subtraction to 12 unit test.  They will be coming home in the next couple of days.  Please review the test with your child and then return it signed.  

Have a great night and stay warm.

Jan 16, 2012

Today we started the No Excuse Word spelling program.  Our words for this week are:

  1. the
  2. of
  3. an
  4. red
  5. zero
Our No Excuse Word Activity that we did today was to put the list in alphabetical order.  A great way to do this is by downloading the App ABC Order and then creating custom lists.  To download the app click here:

In Language Arts we continued working on interesting sentences.  Today we made a list of Action Words that we can add to our sentences.

Here are some examples of sentences the students came up with:
  1. The big pink pig is eating.
  2. The little brown owl is singing.
  3. The stinky pink pig is playing.

In Science we learned that by adding water to paint it makes the paint thinner and therefore the colour thinner.  

Have a great night and for some fun ways to practice No Excuse Words at home go to the following link and scroll to the bottom:

Jan 12, 2012

Tonight for writing homework please check out the following website where the students make simple sentences.

In science today we learned that when you add white to a colour the colour gets lighter.
If you add black to a colour the colour gets darker.   But, if you add to much black it will just be black.

For LA we worked with the Nursery Rhyme Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  First we read the rhyme and then we watched the video below:

After, we worked on the concept of comparing things.  Here are some examples the students came up with:
A wolf is like a coyote.
A house is like a building.
A pterodactyl is like a dragon.
A horse is like a donkey.

In Art today we made our very own colour wheels with modelling clay.  We only had had red, yellow and blue clay so we had to mix them together to make the secondary colours.  Here is an example of what they look like when they are done.

Have a great weekend!

Jan 11, 2012

Tonight for homework the students are bringing their Reading Comprehension books home for the first time.  The instructions are located at the front of the book but if you have any questions feel free to send me an email.

For computers today we did 3 fun colour activities.  Check them out on our website by clicking here.

In Math we worked on addition and subtraction stories.  As a class we went on the website and then we told each other stories.  Check out the video of us hard at work below:

Have a great night!

Jan 9, 2012

We started working on creating sentences today.  We learned that you can use colour words and describing words to make a sentence more interesting.  For example "The scary black shark." is more interesting than "The shark."  So, we made lists of colour words and describing words that we could use in our writing.  We then updated the lists into a Wordle format which you can check out below:

Colours Words Wordle

Describing Words Wordle

In math today we learned that in an addition sentence the biggest number is always at the end of the sentence:
and in a subtraction sentence the biggest number is always at the beginning:


Check out the Powerpoint file that I uploaded to our website to practice this concept at home.

Jan 6, 2012

Tonight, in students homework bag I have sent home the information about the homework schedule for the new year.  There is also a digital copy of this on our class website which you can find by clicking here.

In language arts today, we started our Nursery Rhyme Unit by working with the rhyme; Humpty Dumpty.  After reading the Nursery Rhyme students created a "Wall of Rhyming Words".  Why not try to complete the wall below at home with your child.

In Science today, we played a fun game on the Peep and the Big World website where we mixed the primary colours to make the different shades of the secondary colours.  Check it out by clicking on the image below:

Lastly, in math today we worked on using our mental math skills to add and subtract.  That is when we try to use only our brain to find the answer to a simple addition or subtraction question.  We played 2 different games to help us practice.  If you would like to play them at home the instructions are below:

  1. Get two dice and pair up with your child.  Player 1 closes their eyes.  Player 2 rolls the 2 dice and tells their partner what they rolled.  Player 1 than does mental math to add the dice together while player 2 checks by counting the dots.  Partners than switch rolls.
  2. Get a bunch of dominoes.  Player 1 closes their eyes.  Player 2 chooses a domino and tells their partner what the 2 numbers represented on it are.  Player 1 than does mental math to add the numbers together while player 2 checks by counting the dots.  Partners than switch rolls.
Have a great weekend!

Jan 5, 2012

So the students have been back since Tuesday but today was my first day back.  I hope everyone had a great holiday and enjoyed spending time with family and friends.  I know I did!

We got back to work today by learning about primary (red, yellow and blue) and secondary (green, purple and orange) colours.  We also learned that by mixing different primary colours we can make the secondary colours.  We came up with the following colour equations:

We then learned the poem My Stuff and read a story called Collecting Things.  The students really enjoyed trying to decide if the poem was about a little girls or a little boys room.

Finally, in math today we reviewed the concepts of addition and subtraction.  Specifically, we learned how to use a number line to add or subtract.  Check out the video we made below:

See you tomorrow as there is a full day of school.  Have a great night.