Jan 18, 2012

For No Excuse Words today we acted as detectives and broke some codes.  Look below to see the code and then practice breaking the code words.

In Math today we started the Measurement Unit.  The learning objectives for this unit are:

  1. Make comparisons between objects (longer, taller)
  2. Order lengths of objects (shortest to tallest)
  3. Compare the areas of objects by covering them with different materials.
  4. Practice the language of measurement using words such as longer/shorter, as tall as, more/less, heavier/lighter.
  5. Compare the capacities of containers by filling them with water and other materials.
  6. Compare the masses of objects using scales and balances.

Here are some activities you can do at home.

  1. Ask your child to compare different lengths at home and then make comparison statements.
  2. Collect various small objects and have your child order them by length or height.
  3. Cut a piece of string.  Have your child measure curved objects to see which is the longest.
  4. Have your child use books to cover the kitchen table and then the coffee table.  Discuss which one has the greater area.
  5. Gather different containers from the kitchen.  Have your child use counters to (pieces of cereal, beans, etc…) to compare the different volume of the containers.
  6. At a sink, have your child pour water from one container to another to find two containers that contain approximately the same amount of water.
  7. Collect different objects.  Have your child act as a balance scale, by holding one object in each hand and then deciding which is heavier.
  8. Make a balance scale by attaching plastic bags to either side of a coat hanger.  Place an object in each bag and see which one is heavier.
This afternoon we also had a special guest; Zumba Liz.  We all gathered in the gym and did some fun Zumba routines as a division one group.  The students love Zumba and we often do at school on indoor recess days to burn off some steam.  Check out the video of our favourite Zumba routine below.

Have a great night!


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