Dec 5, 2011

Well I'm back from Edmonton and really enjoyed my professional development about using iPads in the classroom.  I learned some great new tricks and was introduced to lots of new Apps that I can't wait to try in the classroom.

Today in Jolly Phonics we learned the vowel team "ou"
When we learned this vowel team we pretended that we poked our finger with a needle.

In Language Arts today we created our very own Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  The students even got to design Rudolph by choosing what colour each part of him would be and then completing cloze sentences about Rudolph.  Check out Dominik's reindeer below.

In Math today we worked on doubles facts.  That is when you add two of the same numbers together, for example 2+2=4 or 5+5=10.  We practiced doing them by working with dominos.
I will be testing the second set of flashcards, the Primer Dolch Words, at the end of February.  I have attached a copy of the flashcards for you to print at home or you can review them on line by following one of the links below or by downloading the Dolch Sight Words App for your iPod/iPhone/iPad:

For each set of flash cards you should set up a baggie or a box for your child to store them in.  Every night have your child choose one of the sets to practice (please ensure that they do not choose the same ones every night).  A really great time to go through the flash cards is before bed.  Please only practice flash cards for about 3-5 minutes, if it is taking longer than this to get through a set please let me know and we will come up with a plan to reduce the time.


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