Dec 15, 2011

We made it through the concert!  YEAH!!!

We had a pretty easy day today doing a couple crafts and watching the Nativity Story.

Tomorrow would be a busy day as well.  We are having our Christmas Movie and Snacks Party and our Craft Party.  To sign up to bring food our help out with a craft please go to the following links:

Dec 13, 2011

So today we spent most of the day either rehearsing for our Christmas Concert or watching others rehearse.  The kids are getting super excited and it should be a great show.

Tomorrow, we will be heading down to Keyano for our final dress rehearsal.  Because we are not eating at the regularly scheduled lunch time, please make sure you pack your child's lunch, not have it delivered, tomorrow.

As for tomorrow night, please have students at Keyano by 6:00pm and have them dressed in their "Sunday Best".

Dec 12, 2011

Today we began celebrating the 3rd week of Advent, Joy.  As a class we lit the pink joy candle and we are going to spend the week discussing things we are joyful for.  We were also very fortunate to share in 6H's liturgy, they put the Joy in our Hearts!

In Language Arts today we began learning about the story of the first Christmas.  We watched a movie about Jesus's birth and began our Nativity Sticker book.

In Science today we began the Colours unit.  The learning objectives for this unit are:

Dec 8, 2011

Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow.

Today we learned the letter teams "er" and "ar".
When we learned "er" we rolled our hands like a mixer and for "ar" flapped our arms like a seal.

In religion we learned about how the Angel Gabriel came to visit Mary and tell her the good news about Jesus' birth.  We then made a nice angel craft.

Today we finished writing our letters to Santa and Mrs. Easton is going to take them home for John, the Elf on the Shelf, to deliver to Santa tonight!

For Art today we learned about the Legend of the Poinsettia.
Then we made our very own poinsettia flowers.  

Have a great weekend!!!

Dec 7, 2011

We learned two new vowel teams in Jolly Phonics today; "oi" and "ue".
We pretended that we were calling a ship over for the "oi" team and that we were pointing at our friends for the "ue" team.

In computers today we played some fun online Christmas Games.  Check them out by following the link:

During Math today we reviewed the concept of addition by playing a fun game called Dice 'Em Out.  Here is a video of us playing on the Promethean Board.

You can play this at home by writing the numbers 2-12 on a strip of paper for each player, adding the sum of 2 dice and then covering the sum.  If you roll a sum already coloured then you loose a turn.  The first person to cover all of their numbers wins!

Have a great night!

Dec 6, 2011

During Music today we celebrated the second week of Advent by going to a Liturgy in the gym presented by 6M.  We really enjoyed singing "This Little Light of Mine".

In Language Arts today we started our letters to Santa.  I told the students how teachers and Santa talk a lot since he often asks us if kids are naughty or nice.  We also are going to get my daughter Emmi's Elf on the Shelf John to deliver their letters to Santa super fast for them once they are done.

In Science today we played a fun game on the iPad called Poko Seasons where the students helped Poko dress in appropriate seasonal wear.  Check out the app by clicking on the picture below.

During centres today we had a lockdown drill.  This is where we practice locking ourselves in the classroom in case there is a situation in the school that would require students to remain safe in the classroom.  The students did great.

In Math today we continued with addition.  We specifically worked on writing addition sentences based on illustrations or stories.

Dec 5, 2011

Well I'm back from Edmonton and really enjoyed my professional development about using iPads in the classroom.  I learned some great new tricks and was introduced to lots of new Apps that I can't wait to try in the classroom.

Today in Jolly Phonics we learned the vowel team "ou"
When we learned this vowel team we pretended that we poked our finger with a needle.

In Language Arts today we created our very own Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  The students even got to design Rudolph by choosing what colour each part of him would be and then completing cloze sentences about Rudolph.  Check out Dominik's reindeer below.

In Math today we worked on doubles facts.  That is when you add two of the same numbers together, for example 2+2=4 or 5+5=10.  We practiced doing them by working with dominos.
I will be testing the second set of flashcards, the Primer Dolch Words, at the end of February.  I have attached a copy of the flashcards for you to print at home or you can review them on line by following one of the links below or by downloading the Dolch Sight Words App for your iPod/iPhone/iPad:

For each set of flash cards you should set up a baggie or a box for your child to store them in.  Every night have your child choose one of the sets to practice (please ensure that they do not choose the same ones every night).  A really great time to go through the flash cards is before bed.  Please only practice flash cards for about 3-5 minutes, if it is taking longer than this to get through a set please let me know and we will come up with a plan to reduce the time.

Dec 1, 2011

So I am in Edmonton today at a great professional development session about using iPads in the classroom. What a great way to share ideas and resources with other teachers. I look forward to bringing everything I earned back to 1E. Have a great weekend!