April 16, 2013

For No Excuse Words today we did cloze sentences:

For Word Work we worked with the consonant blends fl and fr.

In Language Arts we began the process of writing a persuasive letter.  The subject of the letter is "We need to take care of the Earth".  We used the following organiser to come up with our arguments:

In Social Studies we read the following:

We then talked about how we are having our own version of a Potlatch om April 25th, a potluck.  We came up with a list of healthy foods we could bring:
  1. ham
  2. blueberries
  3. buns
  4. healthy pizza
  5. healthy mac and cheese
  6. rasberries
  7. apples
  8. juice boxes

If you would like to sign up to attend and bring an item please click here.

In Math, we started  the Addition and Subtraction to 20 Unit.  The learning goals for this unit are:
  1. Explore addition and subtraction facts.
  2. Use mental math strategies.
  3. Create and solve story problems.
  4. Explore “doubles” up to 9+9.
  5. Solve simple addition and subtraction problems.
Here are some activities you can do at home.

  1.  Use a collection of up to 20 objects.  Separate the collection into 2 groups, and ask your child to say the addition sentence, and find how many there are altogether.
  2. Make up simple number stories for your child to solve.
  3. With your child, pose story problems about things you and your child see or do.
  4. The next time you go grocery shopping with your child, ask your child to add the number of items in your grocery cart.
  5. Try out the following websites:

Have a great night!!!


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