April 30, 2013

All I have to say is, GRRRRR, snow!!!!

 For No Excuse Words today we did cloze sentences.

For Word Work we worked with the blends sl and sm:

In Science, we began talking about the sense of sight.  We learned that we see through the eye and that information that the eye sees is passed to the brain through the optic nerve.  We then got to use our sense of sight and some magnifying glasses to explore our classroom:

In Language Arts today we continued to learn about antonyms.  We watched this fun video:

As a fun way to review antonyms, homonyms and synonyms try out the game below:

Finally, in Math today we talked about missing addends.  Here are 2 examples:
  1. 10 - __ = 3 
  2. 7 + __ = 12
Click here for a website where you can practice this skill at home.

Have a great night!!!

April 29, 2013

This week's No Excuse Words are:

  1. what
  2. when
  3. once
  4. sixteen
  5. seventeen

In Religion we talked about the sign of the cross.  The Sign of the Cross expresses blessing. It symbolizes God blessing us, God embracing us with blessings. And in this same sign we express our belief in God from whom all our blessings flow. In the Sign of the Cross we embrace our good God with mind and heart and all of our strength (source).

In Math, we continued to practice addition and subtraction stories.  Here is a video of Mrs. Easton  telling an addition on the farm. 

While Mrs. Easton told the story, we were acting out the story with our unifix cubes and farm mats at our desk.

In Science we continued to talk about the sense of touch.  We learned that there are receptors in our skin that tell our brian if something hurts, is too hot, too cold, is soft, etc...  We then did an experiment with ice cubes and our cold receptors.  Here are the results and pics of the kids:

Have a great night!!!

April 25, 2013

We had hat day in our class today as a reward for filling a marble jar.  Good job 1E!!!!

For Word Work we did the blends scr and shr.

In Language Arts we read story "Grandma and the Pirates" by Phoebe Gilman.  We used a story organiser to record the title, characters, setting, problem, solution and ending.  If you would like to listen to the story at home click on the image below:

We then had our postponed Easter Potluck.  Check out some of the pictures I took:


In science today we began talking about the sense of touch.  We did an experiment where using only our sense of touch, we had to figure out what was in a bag.  

Here are the results:

Have a great weekend!!!

April 24, 2013

We started our day with this fun video that I was sent.  We had a good laugh :)

For No Excuse Words we did Code Breaker and for Word Work we did Making Words:

In Language Arts we began learning about Antonyms.  Click here to play a game to review.

In Math, we continued to talk about inverse operations.

Have a great night!!!

April 23, 2013

For No Excuse Words today we did spelling scramble.  We did this week's words and also reviewed the words we had problems with last week:

For Word Work we created lists of pl and pr words:

In Science we talked about how animals use their 5 senses too.  Look at the video below and talk with your child about which senses you think the animals use the most and why.  You can also play an online game which talks about this by clicking here.

In Language Arts today we continued to talk about Synonyms, two words that mean pretty much the same thing.  We got to use some new technology when we were doing this, the ActivExpression student response system.  Check out the video below to see how they work:

Finally, in Math today we practiced using our number lines.  Here is a reminder of how to do it:

Have a great night!!!

April 22, 2013

Hope you had a great weekend, that little snow storm on Friday was no fun, but at least it is melting quickly.

This week's No Excuse Words are:

  1. she
  2. were
  3. who
  4. fourteen
  5. fifteen
We had an Earth Day Liturgy this morning.  Check out this fun Earth Day song:

In Math today we talked about how addition and subtraction are opposites of one another.  We then used this information to make Fact Family posters.  Here is the 15 Fact Family:

We started a new unit in Science today, Our Five Senses.  The goals for this unit are:

Have a great night!!!

April 18, 2013

Just a reminder about what to do when home writing comes home.  At school your child was given appx. 15 minutes to complete a short writing activity independently.  When it comes home please give your child time to finish on their own if they are not quite done.  Then sit together for about 5-10 minutes editing the story.  Look for proper spelling and placement of uppercase and lowercase letters.  Also, help them ensure that their writing makes sense.  Thanks for all your hard work at home and I hope you enjoy your child's writing as much as I do.

For No Excuse Words we did Spelling Staircase:

For Word Work we made gl and gr words:

In Art today we made tissue paper Earth's for Earth Day.  Here are some pics of us hard at work:

Here is the final product of our Earth Day activities this week.

Finally, here are a couple of videos of the kids reading their Earth Day persuasive letters.

Have a great weekend!!!

April 17, 2013

For No Excuse words today we did Rainbow Printing:

In LA we continued with our persuasive letter writing.  I am hoping to post some recordings of the kids reading their letters tomorrow.

In Math we talked about doubles facts.  We made the following chart:

We also watched the following fun video:

Have a great night!!!

April 16, 2013

For No Excuse Words today we did cloze sentences:

For Word Work we worked with the consonant blends fl and fr.

In Language Arts we began the process of writing a persuasive letter.  The subject of the letter is "We need to take care of the Earth".  We used the following organiser to come up with our arguments:

In Social Studies we read the following:

We then talked about how we are having our own version of a Potlatch om April 25th, a potluck.  We came up with a list of healthy foods we could bring:
  1. ham
  2. blueberries
  3. buns
  4. healthy pizza
  5. healthy mac and cheese
  6. rasberries
  7. apples
  8. juice boxes

If you would like to sign up to attend and bring an item please click here.

In Math, we started  the Addition and Subtraction to 20 Unit.  The learning goals for this unit are:
  1. Explore addition and subtraction facts.
  2. Use mental math strategies.
  3. Create and solve story problems.
  4. Explore “doubles” up to 9+9.
  5. Solve simple addition and subtraction problems.
Here are some activities you can do at home.

  1.  Use a collection of up to 20 objects.  Separate the collection into 2 groups, and ask your child to say the addition sentence, and find how many there are altogether.
  2. Make up simple number stories for your child to solve.
  3. With your child, pose story problems about things you and your child see or do.
  4. The next time you go grocery shopping with your child, ask your child to add the number of items in your grocery cart.
  5. Try out the following websites:

Have a great night!!!

April 15, 2013

I hope you had a great weekend.  It's nice to see all the snow melting.  This week we are talking about Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd this year.  Check out this interesting video about the danger of plastic bags:

For No Excuse Words, we put this week's words in our dictionary:

  1. me
  2. off
  3. where
  4. twelve
  5. thirteen
For Word Word we did Making Words:

In Religion today we read John 9:1-12, the story about how Jesus cured a blind man.

In Social Studies we talked about how the original French settlers in Canada would work together to complete jobs such as bringing in the crops, building a house, etc...  These were called "Work Bees".  After the work was complete they would celebrate with a party.  One of the dishes they would make for the party was Sucre a la Creme.  As we are an Apple School I am unable to make some for the kids however if you would like to try to make it at home, here is the recipe:

Have a great night!!!

April 12, 2013

Today we spent a lot of our time working on story writing.  Using the following picture prompt we each wrote our own story with a title, characters, setting, 2 problems, 2 solutions and an ending.

In Health we talked about the Care Kit.  We talked about how we need to trust our feelings when someone touches us.  Some examples of good touches are:
  1. A hug from your Mom or Dad.
  2. A kiss from your Mom or Dad.
  3. Snuggles with someone you love.
  4. A bear hug from you grandparents.
  5. A piggy back ride.
  6. A handshake from a friend.
  7. A high five from a friend.
  8. A pat on the back from a teammate.

In Social Studies we talked about how Canada is a bilingual country and our 2 national languages are English and French.  We made a list of some of the places we have seen the French language:

We finished off the day with an Easter Liturgy presented by the grade 5s.  

April 10, 2013

For No Excuse Words today we did Code Breaker:

For Word Work we did making words:

In Computers today we continued to review shapes and 3D objects.  Click here to play some fun games online.  For even more games, click here.

In Math, we finished up our Geometry unit with a quick quiz.  Next, week we will begin our Addition and Subtraction to 20 unit.

Have a great night!!

April 9, 2013

For Word Work today we worked with the blends cr and cl.

In Social Studies we continued to talk about birch bark canoes.  We watched the following video:

We then talked about all the different types of cargo the aboriginals in the past would have used their birch bark canoes to transport (as you can see some of them are a stretch):

In Language Arts we began learning about synonyms.  Synonyms are 2 words that mean the same thing, after we watched the fun video below we played some games of Synonym Hangman.

In Math today we played Shape and 3D Object Jeopardy.  Check out the categories and the questions:

Have a great night!