Jan 23, 2012

We started our new list of No Excuse Words this week.  Today as our activity we put last week's words as well as this week's words (below) into our dictionary.  This week's test will be on Thursday as there is no school on Friday.

  1. a
  2. to
  3. in
  4. one
  5. blue
In Language Arts today we read the story "There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow".  After reading the story we worked together to retell the story in order (sequencing).  We then made our own Cold Ladies with all the parts of the story in her belly.  Not all of the student's finished making their cold ladies, so they can finish it at home over the next couple of days and then retell the story to you using their Cold Lady.  Here is an example of a finished Cold Lady.

in Science today we did a fun experiment where we found out about all the colours that work together to make black.
The materials we used were:
  1. Water
  2. Filter Paper
  3. Black Marker
The procedure was:
  1. Put a big black dot on the filter paper with the marker.
  2. Put a drop of water on the black dot.
Check out what happened below:

We continued with measuring in Math today.  We focused on the concepts of longer and shorter.  We even got to use some Play-Doh to make "measuring snakes".  We made snakes that were longer, shorter and the same length as the pencil.  Cleo made the ones below so you could check them out.

Have a great night!

P.S. There is an exciting note to check out in the Kanga Pouches tonight :)


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