June 25, 2013

Today we had some fun with bubble gum.  First we talked about the steps you take to eat bubble gum:

Then we tried three different flavours and used tally marks and a graph to describe which flavour we liked best:

Finally, we interpreted the results of the tally's and the graph:

In science we learned about boats and buoyancy.  We watched the following Bill Nye video:

We then made our own sailboats:

Have a great night!

June 21, 2013

Yeah, what a beautiful first day of Summer!

In our Plants and Animals unit today we talked about classifying animals into families.  We talked about 5 different families of animals;

We then played a fun fame where we sorted the animal attributes into the different families.  Click here to play the game online.

For our Building Things unit we learned about building teepees.  We began by watching the video below:

Then using paper, straws and tape we made teepees of our own:

Have a great weekend!!!

June 20, 2013

In LA today we finished our Stuart Little book.  In the last chapter Stuart continued on his journey North looking for his friend Margalo.  We then began watching the movie, which the kids loved.

In art today we made log cabins out of popsicle sticks.  The kids are bringing them home today and they look great.

In Science we talked about wild and domestic animals.  We sorted the following:

Finally, we had our year end liturgy today.  One of the main songs was the classic Lean on Me:

Have a great night!!!

June 19, 2013

Sorry for no blog yesterday, I got a little sidetracked and it totally slipped my mind.

In LA today we read chps 13 and 14 in our Stuart Little novel study.  Stuart stopped in the town of Ames and met a young girl named Harriet who was the same size as him.  He invited her for a canoe ride, but before they could head out his canoe was destroyed.  Poor Stuart.

In Science today we talked about house building.  We practiced building houses our of lincoln logs and talked about all the important parts of a house and what we may need to build one:

  1. walls
  2. a roof
  3. wood
  4. doors
  5. hammer and nails
  6. power tools
  7. bricks

Finally, we played the following game on the internet.

Have a great night!

June 17, 2013

Only 2 weeks left....

For Building Things today we made skeletons out of pipe cleaners and straws.  The goals for building the skeleton were:
  • Have 2 legs, 2 arms, a torso and a head
  • Legs bend at the hips, knees, and ankles
  • Arms bend at the shoulders, elbows and wrist
Here are some pics of the kids hard at work:

In our Plants and Animals unit we talked about animal life cycles.  Two specific animal life cycles we learnt about are:

We also talked about Animal Habitats.  A habitat is a place where animals can find the food, shelter, and water that they need in order to live.  We then sorted animals into their correct habitats:

 Have a great night!

June 14, 2013

We started our morning with a Father's Day Liturgy presented by the kindergarten classes.  They closed with an all time favourite; "If I Were a Butterfly"

We finished reviewing our No Excuse Words today.  Over the summer continue to work on spelling skills with your child.  You can do this by playing spelling games on long car or plane rides, playing some of the spelling online games or apps you can find on the class website, or by doing some of the activities on the No Excuse Word link on our class website.

In Art today we made pop up cards for Father's Day.  This is also part of our building things unit as we built something with moveable parts.

In Science today we talked about how animals make adaptions in order to survive.  Click on the link below to play the game we played in class:

Have a great weekend!!!

June 13, 2013

Just a reminder that we DO have school tomorrow.

In LA today we read the next 2 chapters in Stuart Little.  Stuart decided that he wanted to go find his friend Margalo.  He decided to stop off at his friend Dr. Carey's dental office to get some advice about which direction to go.  While he was there Dr. Carey gave him a small car so that he could drive instead of having to walk.  In his travels he met a man who was looking for a substitue teacher.  Stuart volunteered to help out.  Stuart skipped all the subjects he was supposed to teach and instead he gave the students a lecture about rats.  Oh, Stuart!

In art we made...oops it's a Father's Day Secret so you'll have to wait until Sunday to find out.

In Science, we did an animal sorting activity:

Have a great night!

June 12, 2013

For No Excuse Words today we did sparkle spelling.  This week we have lots of large number words so we really took time to review how to spell them.

In Language Arts today we wrote the last big story of the year.  Here is the picture we wrote about:

Over the summer a great way to practice writing is to do a journal.  Make sure you use uppercase letters at the beginning of sentences and names and that you put punctuation at the end.  You should also make sure you use lots of describing words to make your writing interesting.

In science today we continued with our Building Things unit.  We started with the movie; The Magic School Bus: Under Construction.

We then made a list of different objects we can build with:

Have a great night!

June 11, 2013

First off, don't forget your rocks tomorrow.

For No Excuse Words today we did the student created word finds we made yesterday:

In Language Arts we read the story Wait and See by Robert Munsch.  This story is available on TumbleBooks through the FMPL website.  As a reader response we discussed what we could wish for on our birthday and what we would do if our wish came true.

In Science this afternoon we started our last unit, Building Things.  The learner outcomes for this unit are:

Have a great night!!

June 10, 2013

We has a great time on our field trip to the multimedia exhibit "Boppin' with Me. Mynah". Check out the pics below: 

Great day!!!

June 6, 2013

For No Excuse Words today we did cloze words:

We then continued reading Stuart Little.  Stuart had a big adventure today.  When he was hiding from a dog in a garbage can, the can got picked up and thrown into the garbage truck.  The truck then dumped the garbage onto a garbage barge heading out to sea.  Luckily, his friend Margalo saw him, and rescued him before he was dumped into the ocean.  It was a close call for Stuart.  

In Art today we learnt about the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh.  Check out this cool video showing all of his self portraits:

We then specifically looked at his famous "Sunflowers" painting:

We then made our own versions of a Sunflower using tissue paper and sunflower seeds.  Here are a couple of examples:

In Science today we learnt that animals have different kinds of covering to help them live and move in their environment.  We played a game of Animal Coverings Jeopardy to learn more.  You can play the game at home by clicking here.

Have a great weekend!!!

June 5, 2013

Sorry for no post yesterday but I was out sick.

Today for No Excuse Word Review we completed the word finds our friends made yesterday.

In LA we read the Robert Munsch Story David's Father.  You can listen to the story by clicking on the image below:

After reading the story we compared David's father to ours.  This is Mrs. Easton's comparison:

In Science, we began talking about how plants and animals interact.  We learnt about how humans use plants as food, building materials, medicine, and to make clothing. 

We also learnt that animals eat various types of plants and plant seeds.  Finally, we learnt that some animals make adaptions to be able to interact with plants better.  We learnt that there are 2 types of honeybees; the Hairy Honeybee and the Baldy Honeybee.  Both bees collect pollen from flowers to bring back to their hive to make honey.  We used straws, pipe cleaners and flour to simulate bees collecting pollen and we found out that the pollen sticks to the Hairy Honeybee best.

Have a great night!!!

June 3, 2013

Wow, it is the last month of school!

We are going on a field trip to MacIsland on June 10 to participate in a Multimedia Exhibit called Boppin' with Mr. Mynah.  The information and permission slip came home with your child in their Kanga Pouch today,

This week's review No Excuse Words are:

In Math we finished up our addition and subtraction unit with a unit test.  They are coming home later tonight to be signed.

In Science today we looked at our plants we planted a couple of weeks ago that followed the following chart:

After looking at the plants we learned that:

Have a great night!!

May 31, 2013

Today we read the story "It's My Room" by Robert Munsch.  Robert Munsch wrote this story for a little boy from Newfoundland who had moved to Fort McMurray.  He had his own room, but his relatives kept coming to stay with him, and he was getting tired of sharing.  Here is the story map we did as a reader response:

In science today we planted our own lima bean seeds.  If you want to plant them at home here are the directions:

We then talked about what would happen when it began to grow:

Have a great weekend!